Sunday, December 10, 2006

Preparing for Motherhood

Here’s a question that was posed to me recently, and I thought is was a very good one.

What can I do, as a wife, to prepare myself for motherhood?

(Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically or all of the above)

When I first saw this question, I came up with an immediate answer. Then I thought to myself, no, that’s too simple. So I thought about this awhile longer. Then I came right back to the same answer. The more I thought about it, the more I can see the truth of this.

So, my answer to this question is: the best way, as a wife, to prepare for motherhood is: Learn to LOVE your HUSBAND! As I said, it sounds like a very simple answer, but I believe it is one of the keys to being a good mother. The main key, of course, is a good relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, but the next major step would be constantly developing a good relationship with your husband.

Children put an incredible strain on a marriage. And it’s not just when they’re babies, either. Everything from differences in child training practices, the child manipulating one parent against the other, and even just not having much time to communicate are constantly putting stumbling blocks to a good marriage. And with each added child, though each is a wonderful blessing from God, the dizzying round of activity and confusion increases.

If a marriage is cemented in Biblical values and love, it will weather many a storm, and you can be sure the storms will come. But without both of those things, there can be no anchor for the marriage, and every problem becomes a nightmare.

When there is a problem in the marriage, it is a problem with the children. It is the old story of the man having trouble at work, comes home and argues with his wife, who in turn yells at the kids, who in turn kick the dog, who in turn bites the cat! But if the marriage is solid and the wife is right with God, the man may come home and try to argue with his wife, but her soft answers will be an encouragement and blessing to him. Then when she turns from him, she can smile at the children and speak words of blessing and comfort to them. In her tongue will be the law of kindness.

Last week, I was able to spend a most wonderful time with my husband. We talked, joked, laughed, and then went out for lunch where we planned, shared burdens, and bounced theories off of each other. It was a time of seclusion and romance, just the two of us. But when I got home from my escapade into dreamland, I had an unstoppable smile. The kids could spill the milk, fight over a baby doll, and step on my sore toe, and everything was still all right. The moon was beautifully bright, and my husband loved me more than anyone else in the world.

What makes a great mother? Love. What better preparation for motherhood could there be? And there can be no more stabilizing influence in a family than for mom to be terribly in love with dad!


Anonymous said...

Dear Lisa,
I was very encouraged about your story on "What makes a good mother". I myself agree very whole-heartedly on your response to the question. It is very important for our children to see mom and dad so much in love with God first, then to each other next. My kids know how much we are in love and they see such a bondness that God has given to us. I believe they will also one day do the same with their spouse.

His Happy Servant,
Sharlin Brady
Collosians 3:2

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Raub: I was really insired by your article on what makes a good mother. More less I could associate with you being cloud nine just knowing your husband loves you more than anyone in the world! I used to know that. We have been married almost 10 years and I'm afraid we've lost our spark. My husband doesn't seem to remember we ever had it. He tells me he is committed to me and I need to be happy with that. What can I do? Seems my love is one sided?