Thursday, February 15, 2007


I am looking into putting my blog onto our family's website,, since blogger is trying to move me to a Google account, which I'm not sure I want to do. I may not be able to get back on here to forward you to my new place, so if you don't hear from me for awhile, look on our website to see if the new page is up and ready.

Meanwhile, here are a few thoughts for you:

Vision Forum sent out an e-mail today which has pricked my thoughts on a matter I have already been thinking about.

You see, our children need more than doctrine. They need more than teaching on how to live the Christian life. They need more than teaching on what to do and what not to do. They need a vision for WHY to do the right thing. They need to see the blessing that comes from doing right.

Anna Sofia Botkin is the co-author of the book, So Much More, a book dedicated to imparting to young ladies a vision for noble womanhood. In her speech entitiled “The Thirteenth Year,” she had these things to say about living in this generation:

The women of our generation have forgotten how to be women and how to be mothers. Some of the most important lessons we learned about womanhood this year, we learned together on the Faith and Freedom tour of Plymouth this past Fall. I learned that the current women of America are not just lesser women than their pilgrim mothers, they are the perfect opposites of their pilgrim mothers.
Where they used to be strong, now they are weak. Where they used to be models of sturdy virtue, they now are examples of flimsy immorality. Where they used to understand the importance of children and selflessly sacrifice for them, now they murder them in the womb as a sacrifice to their own selfishness. And the majority of Christians nod their heads in approval. This is your generation, and mine.
As evil as this generation is, many thirteen-year-old girls feel an uncanny attraction to it, and a desire to be approved of by it. I know I did. Our generation is out to get us, with their glossy magazines, TV shows — every medium of communication they have — they have used to ensnare thirteen-year-old girls….
In this stormy generation which will try to shipwreck you, God has given you two wonderful gifts. Two things will help you keep your heart pure and enable you to see evil with the Lord’s eyes:
1. Intimacy with God and His Word and His Law. Immerse yourself in the Scriptures and pray that God will give you purity and wisdom.
2. Intimacy with your parents. A spirit of gratitude and honor for your parents will guard your heart and could preserve your life. I cannot stress this enough.
….The duty of all second-generation Christians is to stand on their parents’ shoulders and succeed them; to go further and conquer new ground — to make new biblical discoveries, to reach greater heights of theological precision, to root out even more worldliness of thinking and living, to have more obedient Christian families, and to extend Christ’s dominion into every nation. And this will leave plenty for our children to do, and even our great-great-grandchildren.
We first generation Christians have forged a path for our young ones to follow – now they must take the baton and carry it even further.
I seek to impart to my children the necessity and blessing of serving God. Personally, I’m not really sure the best way to go about it, but I’ve been asking God for wisdom, guidance, and strength to do what I need to do to see the next generation fervently serving our Lord!